Archie is a 2023 British television drama series about the life of Cary Grant starring Jason Isaacs in the lead role with Kara Tointon, Harriet Walter, Jason Watkins, Calam Lynch and Laura Aikman.
My responsabilities for this Creative Campaign included working as a Digital Creative and Graphic Designer.
I was responsible for the creation of video content for Archie's Digital Creative Campaign as well as the Design Social Media assets for ITVX social platforms .
My responsabilities for this Creative Campaign included working as a Digital Creative and Graphic Designer.
I was responsible for the creation of video content for Archie's Digital Creative Campaign as well as the Design Social Media assets for ITVX social platforms .
ROLE: Digital Creative Lead; Video Editor; Graphic Designer
I edited the promo of the show for social platforms, as well as selected, clipped and edited the First Look clip of the show.
Part of the campaign was also to edit an extra clip after the show has aired, and repurpose Bespoke content filmed with the main cast.
I edited the promo of the show for social platforms, as well as selected, clipped and edited the First Look clip of the show.
Part of the campaign was also to edit an extra clip after the show has aired, and repurpose Bespoke content filmed with the main cast.
I created a carousel post, which consisted of taking the cast side by side with the real people they're impersonating.
It was a research based asset, where I had to find good photos of both actors and real people, to make sure the poses
were consistent for there to be a fair comparison.
It was a research based asset, where I had to find good photos of both actors and real people, to make sure the poses
were consistent for there to be a fair comparison.